Copyediting, proofreading and reference checking for students and academics for whom English is a second language

What is copyediting?

The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading defines copyediting as 'professional help to make a text ready for publication [or submission] by ensuring that it’s clear, consistent, correct and complete. Copyediting focuses on the detail of a text: agreeing final content, making sure it reads well for its intended purpose, and applying consistency to the language and formatting.'

Copyediting for ESL Academics includes:

  • Checking that all elements of the document are present and in the correct order.
  • Checking that the layout and format of the document are consistent and correct for the document’s intended audience, and making corrections where necessary.
  • Checking that any style guides have been adhered to correctly, and making corrections where necessary.
  • Checking for poor logic flow, with suggestions where possible.
  • Checking for poor structure, with suggestions where possible.
  • Correcting lack of clarity and rewording where necessary to avoid confusion, vagueness or convoluted sentence structure.
  • Correcting typographical and spelling errors.
  • Correcting errors in grammar and punctuation.
  • Querying inconsistencies in language, style and tone, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying instances of repetition, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying missing citations.
  • Querying language that is non-inclusive or legally problematic.

It should be noted that proofreading and copyediting services are provided to improve the text of your document; responsibility for the accuracy and content of the final manuscript lies with you as the author and not with the proofreader/copyeditor. I do not offer re-writing or paraphrasing in this service or any other.

What is proofreading?

The Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading describes proofreading as 'the final quality check', with the following explanation: 'Because the proofreader works near the end of the publication [or submission] process, they are usually looking for remaining errors that must be corrected … the proofreader will not be rewording sentences, making larger structural interventions such as reordering blocks of text or inserting headings, or fact-checking (but they may raise a query about anything that seems wrong).'

Proofreading for ESL Academics includes:

  • Checking that all elements of the document are present and in the correct order.
  • Checking that the layout and format of the document are consistent and correct for the document’s intended audience, and raising queries where necessary.
  • Checking that any style guides have been adhered to correctly, and making corrections where necessary.
  • Correcting typographical and spelling errors.
  • Correcting errors in grammar and punctuation.
  • Querying inconsistencies in language, style and tone, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying lack of clarity, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying instances of repetition, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying missing citations.
  • Querying language that is non-inclusive or legally problematic.

It should be noted that proofreading and copyediting services are provided to improve the text of your document; responsibility for the accuracy and content of the final manuscript lies with you as the author and not with the proofreader/copyeditor. I do not offer re-writing or paraphrasing in this service or any other.

Proofreading for ESL Students includes:

  • Checking that all elements of the document are present and in the correct order.
  • Checking that the layout and format of the document are consistent and correct for the document’s intended audience, and raising queries where necessary.
  • Checking that any style guides have been adhered to correctly, and making corrections where necessary.
  • Correcting typographical and spelling errors.
  • Correcting errors in grammar and punctuation.
  • Querying inconsistencies in language, style and tone, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying lack of clarity, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying instances of repetition, with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying poor logic flow (in text, not argument), with suggestions where possible.
  • Querying missing citations.
  • Querying language that is non-inclusive or legally problematic.

It should be noted that proofreading and copyediting services are provided to improve the text of your document; responsibility for the accuracy and content of the final manuscript lies with you as the author and not with the proofreader/copyeditor. I do not offer re-writing or paraphrasing in this service or any other.

Students must make sure that they have obtained permission from their university and/or supervisor to engage the services of a professional proofreader.

Reference Checking

This is an editorial service that can be ordered separately or in conjunction with another service.   

Reference Checking includes:

  • Checking that the references and in-text citations adhere to the required style guide or institutional guidelines, and making corrections where necessary.
  • Where no style guide is provided, references will be checked for internal consistency, with corrections where necessary.
  • Checking that references and in-text citations correspond, and querying any anomalies.
  • Querying missing information from in-text citations, footnotes/endnotes, references or bibliographies.

Please note that it is the author’s responsibility to ensure that bibliographic information is accurate – this is not a citation service.

If you have any questions, please get in touch!

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